Rights & Responsibilities

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Client's Rights:

Each consumer has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

Furthermore: Each consumer shall retain all rights, benefits, and privileges guaranteed by law except those lost through due process of law.

Each consumer has the right to receive services suited to his or her condition in a safe, sanitary and humane treatment environment regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, degree of disability,
handicapping condition or sexual orientation.

No consumer shall be neglected or sexually, physically, verbally, or otherwise abused.

Each consumer shall be provided with prompt, competent, and appropriate treatment, and an individualized treatment plan. A consumer shall participate in his or her treatment programs and may consent or refuse to consent to the proposed treatment. The right to consent or refuse to consent may
be abridged for those consumers adjudged incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction and in emergency situations as defined by law. Additionally, each consumer shall have the right to the following:

Allow other individuals of the consumer's choice participate in the consumer's treatment and with the consumer's consent;

To be free from unnecessary, inappropriate, or excessive treatment;

To participate in consumer's own treatment planning:

To receive treatment for co-occurring disorders if present;

To not be subject to unnecessary, inappropriate, or unsafe termination from treatment; and

To not be discharged for displaying symptoms of the consumer's disorder

Every consumer's record shall be treated in a confidential manner

No consumer shall be required to participate in any research project or medical experiment without his
or her informed consent as defined by law. Refusal to participate shall not affect the services available
to the consumer.

A consumer shall have the right to assert grievances with respect to an alleged infringement on his or
her rights.

Each consumer has the right to request the opinion of an outside medical or psychiatric consultant at his or her own expense or a right to an internal consultation upon request at no expense.

No consumer shall be retaliated against or subjected to any adverse change of conditions or treatment
because the consumer asserted his or her rights.

Client's Responsibilities:

Clients are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about all matters pertaining to your health, including medications and past or present medical and/or mental health problems.

Clients are responsible to report changes in their condition or symptoms.

Clients are responsible to identify and report any safety concerns that may affect your care.

Clients are responsible to ask if you do not understand information about your care or treatment

Clients are responsible to inform their provider if unsatisfied with any aspect of their care.

Clients are responsible to participate in the planning of their care, including termination and discharge

Clients are responsible to keep scheduled appointments and cancel appointments 24 hours in advance.

Clients are responsible for full payment of services should insurance company not provide payment.

Clients are responsible for their office co-pay or co-insurance as their benefits plan dictates.

By signing this, I acknowledge receipt and understanding of the above stated information regarding my rights and responsibilities.

Clear Signature
Clear Signature