I/We (client or parent/guardian if applicable) , consent to and request therapeutic services from this practice for (myself, name of client) and inclusive of its providers, contractors, representatives, or employees.
I have received the PWTH Client Handbook, and reviewed it with the intake counselor. By initialing below, I am acknowledging that I have reviewed each area below, and asked questions as needed to fully understand each section and subject below. (Initial next to each section to acknowledge)
Consumer Rights Notification: I am initialing that I have been offered and/or given a copy of the following: We have received the synopsis of the Consumer Bill of Rights in the Consumer Handbook which contains my full Rights & Grievance Policy
Case management: I have been offered case management services: I/We
Consent For Follow Up: I, (Patient, Parent, or Legal Guardian if applicable) authorize Pathway to Hope LLC, to contact me by phone / mail / in person for the purpose of evaluation of treatment progress, client satisfaction and other information as deemed necessary by the staff in order to enhance the quality of care. The following contact information may be helpful to locate me in the event that my address and phone have changed: